Conducting has taken Mark around the world including Japan, Russia and Italy. Over the last two decades Mark’s commitment to regular conducting roles has accounted for the majority of his musical life but guest conducting has included performances with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, West Australian Symphony Orchestra, Canberra Symphony, St. Petersburg State Academic Symphony Orchestra, Moscow Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa, Victorian Opera and Sydney Sinfonia.
Mark’s love of community and youth music has kept him very busy. These include years as Principal Conductor of the Percy Grainger Youth Orchestra, Ballarat Symphony Orchestra, Melbourne New Orchestra, Canberra Concerto Orchestra, Zelman Symphony Orchestra and the Macquarie Philharmonia. He has been a guest conductor for the State Music Camps of Victoria and South Australia, the Melbourne Youth Orchestras Summer School, Orchestra Victoria’s MOVE workshops and the Kanazawa Children’s Orchestra in Japan. In 2019 he travelled to China at the invitation of the Sichuan Conservatorium in Chengdu where he conducted workshops with youth ensembles throughout that region.
Mark is also focused on creating opportunities for the people of regional areas. Among his initiatives is the Victorian Regional Orchestra which brings together musicians from across Victoria. Mark is also the Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of Orchestra Geelong which is embarking on an ambitious range of initiatives to offer new opportunities for musicians of all ages in Geelong and the Bellarine Peninsula. Mark is also behind the development of the Geelong Youth Orchestra which will be launched in the second half of 2021.